389.860. Any such person, persons, company or corporationoperating any railroad, in whole or in part, within this state,whether as owner, lessee or receiver, who shall violate any ofthe provisions of sections 389.810 to 389.870 shall be liable tothe state of Missouri in a penalty of not less than one hundrednor more than five hundred dollars for each offense, and suchpenalty shall be recovered and suit therefor shall be brought inthe name of the state of Missouri, in any court of competentjurisdiction in any county in the state, into or through whichsuch railway may run, by the attorney general, or under hisdirection, or by the prosecuting attorney of any county throughor into or out of which trains may be operated by such railroador by the circuit attorney in the city of St. Louis.
(RSMo 1939 § 5240)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4784; 1919 § 9972; 1909 § 3171