389.880. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm orcorporation, operating a line of steam railroad in this state, touse or permit to be used within the state of Missouri, any steamlocomotive engine, between the first day of October and the firstday of April of the next succeeding year, unless the inside ofthe cab on such locomotive engine shall be supplied and equippedwith not less than sixteen square feet of heating radiation oneach side thereof; and unless such locomotive engine shall besupplied and equipped with suitable curtain or curtains, to belocated between the tender and cab of such locomotive engine, insuch manner as to exclude the rain, snow or wind from enteringthe cab thereof, nor unless any openings in the deck, runningboard or floor of such cab or the openings or windows in thesides and front of such cab shall be constructed so that saidopenings or windows may be so securely closed as to prevent asnearly as practicable wind, snow or rain from entering saidopenings or windows.
(RSMo 1939 § 5272)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4840; 1919 § 10027