389.890. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm orcorporation, operating a steam railroad within the state, afterthe first day of August, 1913, to use or permit to be used anylocomotive engine within the state of Missouri, unless suchlocomotive engine shall be equipped with a seat on each side ofthe cab thereof, which seats shall consist of a series of spiral,coil or elastic springs, on the top of which shall be constructeda padding or cushion consisting of leather or a suitablesubstitute thereof, stuffed or packed with hair, moss or othersuitable material commonly used for such purpose, which saidseat, including the springs thereof, shall not be greater thansix nor less than four inches in thickness.
(RSMo 1939 § 5273)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4841; 1919 § 10028