390.126. 1. No motor carrier shall operate any motorvehicle on any public highway in this state until after suchcarrier shall have filed with, and same has been approved by thedivision, a certificate of any insurance carrier duly authorizedto do business in this state certifying that there is in effect aliability insurance policy or bond in some reliable insurancecompany or association or other insurer satisfactory to thedivision and authorized to transact insurance business in thisstate, in such forms and upon such conditions as the division maydeem necessary adequately to protect the interests of the publicin the use of the public highways and with due regard to thenumber of persons and amount of property transported, whichliability insurance shall bind the obligors thereunder to makecompensation for injuries to persons and loss of or damage toproperty resulting from the negligent operation of such motorcarrier; provided, that any motor carrier who shall furnishannually to the division, and at such other times as may berequired, satisfactory proof and evidence of such carrier'sfinancial ability to properly protect the interests of the publicand pay compensation for injuries to persons and loss or damageto property, on account of or arising out of negligent operationof such carrier's business, shall not be required to furnishliability insurance policy or bond therefor.
2. No other or additional policies, bonds or licenses thanthose prescribed in this chapter shall be required of any motorcarrier to which the provisions of this chapter apply by anycity, town or other subdivision of the state; provided, that thissection shall not be so construed as to interfere with the rightof any county, city or other civil subdivision of the state, tolevy and collect any property tax to which such motor carrier isliable under the general revenue laws of this state within suchcounty, city or other civil subdivision wherein the property ofsuch motor carrier may be subject to assessment and taxation.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 5724, 5729, A.L. 1951 p. 547 § 390.150, A.L. 1961 p. 416, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1428)Prior revision: 1929 §§ 5267, 5274
Division of motor carrier and railroad safety abolished, duties and functions transferred to highways and transportation commission and department of transportation, RSMo 226.008