393.010. Any corporation formed under or subject to chapter351, RSMo, or heretofore organized under the laws of Missouri forthe purpose of supplying any town, city or village with gas,electricity or water shall have full power to manufacture andsell and to furnish such quantities of gas, electricity or wateras may be required by the city, town or village, district orneighborhood where located for public or private buildings or forother purposes, and such corporations shall have the power to layconductors for conveying gas, electricity or water through thestreets, alleys and squares of any city, town or village with theconsent of the municipal authorities thereof under suchreasonable regulations as such authorities may prescribe, andsuch companies are authorized to set their poles, piers,abutments, wires and other fixtures along, across or under any ofthe public roads, streets and waters of this state in such manneras not to incommode the public in the use of such roads, streetsand waters.
(RSMo 1939 § 5369, A.L. 1943 p. 410 § 153)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4962; 1919 § 10172; 1909 § 3367
Corporation to register and file antitrust affidavit, RSMo 351.690
Electric company may operate street railway in cities under 10,000, RSMo 391.100
Franchise to supply gas, electricity or water within city, granted by city, when, RSMo 71.530
(1973) This section does not authorize city to prohibit all overhead transmission or distribution lines whether on public or private property. Union Electric Co. v. City of Crestwood (Mo.), 499 S.W.2d 480.