393.1003. 1. Notwithstanding any provisions of chapter 386, RSMo,and this chapter to the contrary, as of August 28, 2003, a watercorporation providing water service in a county with a charter form ofgovernment and with more than one million inhabitants may file a petitionand proposed rate schedules with the commission to establish or change ISRSrate schedules that will allow for the adjustment of the watercorporation's rates and charges to provide for the recovery of costs foreligible infrastructure system replacements made in such county with acharter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants;provided that an ISRS, on an annualized basis, must produce ISRS revenuesof at least one million dollars but not in excess of ten percent of thewater corporation's base revenue level approved by the commission in thewater corporation's most recent general rate proceeding. An ISRS and anyfuture changes thereto shall be calculated and implemented in accordancewith the provisions of sections 393.1000 to 393.1006. ISRS revenues shallbe subject to refund based upon a finding and order of the commission, tothe extent provided in subsections 5 and 8 of section 393.1006.
2. The commission shall not approve an ISRS for a water corporationin a county with a charter form of government and with more than onemillion inhabitants that has not had a general rate proceeding decided ordismissed by issuance of a commission order within the past three years,unless the water corporation has filed for or is the subject of a newgeneral rate proceeding.
3. In no event shall a water corporation collect an ISRS for a periodexceeding three years unless the water corporation has filed for or is thesubject of a new general rate proceeding; provided that the ISRS may becollected until the effective date of new rate schedules established as aresult of the new general rate proceeding, or until the subject generalrate proceeding is otherwise decided or dismissed by issuance of acommission order without new rates being established.
(L. 2003 H.B. 208)