393.240. 1. The commission shall have power, after hearing,to require any or all gas corporations, electrical corporations,water corporations and sewer corporations to carry a proper andadequate depreciation account in accordance with such rules,regulations and forms of account as the commission may prescribe.
2. The commission may, from time to time, ascertain anddetermine and by order fix the proper and adequate rates ofdepreciation of the several classes of property of suchcorporation, person or public utility. Each gas corporation,electrical corporation, water corporation and sewer corporationshall conform its depreciation accounts to the rates soascertained, determined and fixed, and shall set aside the moneysso provided for out of earnings and carry the same in adepreciation fund and expend such fund only for such purposes andunder such rules and regulations, both as to original expenditureand subsequent replacement, as the commission may prescribe. Theincome from investments of moneys in such fund shall likewise becarried in such fund.
(RSMo 1939 § 5656, A.L. 1967 p. 578)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5200; 1919 § 10488