393.275. 1. The commission shall notify the governing bodyof each city or county imposing a business license tax pursuantto section 66.300, 92.045, 94.110, 94.270 or 94.360, RSMo, or asimilar tax adopted pursuant to charter provisions in anyconstitutional charter city with a population of at least threehundred fifty thousand inhabitants which is located in more thanone county, on gross receipts of any gas corporation, electriccorporation, water corporation or sewer corporation of any tariffincreases authorized for such firm doing business in that city orcounty if the approved increase exceeds seven percent. Thecommission shall include with such notice to any city or countythe percentage increase approved for the utility, together withan estimate of the annual increase in gross receipts resultingfrom the tariff increase on customers residing in that city orcounty. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply torate adjustments in the purchase price of natural gas which areapproved by the commission.
2. The governing body of each city or county notified of atariff increase as provided in subsection 1 of this section shallreduce the tax rate of its business license tax on the grossreceipts of utility corporations. Within sixty days of theeffective date of the tariff increase, the tax rate shall bereduced to the extent necessary so that revenue for the ensuingtwelve months will be approximately equal to the revenue receivedduring the preceding twelve months plus a growth factor. Thegrowth factor shall be equal to the average of the additionalrevenue received in each of the preceding three years. However,a city or county may maintain the tax rate of its businesslicense tax on the gross receipts of utility corporations withoutreduction if an ordinance to maintain the tax rate is enacted bythe governing body of the city or an order to maintain the taxrate is issued by the governing body of the county afterSeptember 28, 1985. The provisions of this subsection shall notapply to rate adjustments in the purchase price of natural gaswhich are approved by the commission.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1477 § 393.190 subsec. 2, § 2, A.L. 1985 H.B. 200, A.L. 1993 H.B. 453)