393.420. In any case where a part of an underground storagereservoir lies in or beneath lands (including the beds ofnavigable waters) of any public body, a gas storage companydesiring to utilize the same for the underground storage of gasmay acquire the right to do so, which right every such publicbody is hereby authorized to grant for such consideration as maybe agreed upon with such gas storage company. In the event suchgas storage company and such public body cannot agree upon suchconsideration, or in case there is no public authority other thanthe general assembly which has power to enter into such anagreement, then such gas storage company may acquire the right toutilize such part of such underground storage reservoir, but not,in such case, the surface of the lands under which such part ofsuch reservoir lies, for the underground storage of gas, byproceeding in the same manner and with the same effect as incases of condemnation under section 393.430, subject to thelimitations and provisions in such cases provided, and in anysuch case to which the state of Missouri shall be made a partyservice of process may be had upon the attorney general. Theterm "public body" as used in this section means the state ofMissouri, or any department, board, commission, bureau,institution, public agency or political subdivision thereofincluding municipal corporations and quasi-municipal corporationsof all kinds.
(L. 1953 p. 513 ยง 3)