393.563. Nothing contained in sections 393.550 to 393.565shall affect the other rights of access which may be available tothe utility company against the utility customer in default underapplicable law, or under applicable rules, regulations andtariffs of the utility company, or of the Missouri public servicecommission; except that no gas or electric utility company, asdefined in subdivision (5) of section 393.550, shall terminateutility service to an entire residence, as defined in subdivision(4) of section 393.550, solely by reason of the delinquency inpayment of one or more customers, when there are one or moreother customers at the residence who are not for any lawfulreason, including but not limited to delinquency in payment,subject to termination of utility service. Nothing contained insections 393.550 to 393.565 shall be construed to prevent autility company from discontinuing utility service to anyresidence for any other lawful purpose.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1422 ยง 7)