402.199. 1. The general assembly hereby finds and declares thefollowing:
(1) It is an essential function of state government to provide basicsupport for persons with a mental or physical impairment that substantiallylimits one or more major life activities, whether the impairment iscongenital or acquired by accident, injury or disease;
(2) The cost of providing basic support for persons with a mental orphysical impairment is difficult for many to afford and they are forced torely upon the government to provide such support;
(3) Families and friends of persons with a mental or physicalimpairment desire to supplement, but not replace, the basic supportprovided by state government and other governmental programs;
(4) The cost of medical, social or other supplemental services isoften provided by families and friends of persons with mental or physicalimpairments, for the lifetime of such persons;
(5) It is in the best interest of the people of this state toencourage, enhance and foster the ability of families and friends ofMissouri residents and residents of adjacent states with mental or physicalimpairments to supplement, but not to replace, the basic support providedby state government and other governmental programs and to provide formedical, social or other supplemental services for such persons;
(6) Permitting and assisting families and friends of Missouriresidents and residents of adjacent states with mental or physicalimpairments to supplement, but not to replace, the basic support providedby state government and other governmental programs and to provide medical,social or other supplemental services for such persons as necessary anddesirable for the public health, safety and welfare of this state.
2. In light of the findings and declarations described in subsection1 of this section, the general assembly declares the purpose of theMissouri family trust to be the encouragement, enhancement and fostering ofthe provision of medical, social or other supplemental services for personswith a mental or physical impairment by family and friends of such persons.
(L. 1991 S.B. 311, A.L. 1993 H.B. 136 merged with S.B. 338, A.L. 1999 S.B. 211, A.L. 2004 H.B. 923)