407.090. Whenever any person fails to comply with any civilinvestigative demand duly served upon him under section 407.040or whenever satisfactory copying or reproduction of any suchmaterial cannot be done and such person refuses to surrender suchmaterial, the attorney general, through such officers orattorneys as he may designate, may file, in the trial court ofgeneral jurisdiction of a county or judicial district in whichsuch person resides, is found, or transacts business, and serveupon such person a petition for an order of such court for theenforcement of such civil investigative demand; except that, ifsuch person transacts business in more than one county orjudicial district such petition shall be filed in the county orjudicial district in which such person maintains his principalplace of business, or in such other county or judicial districtas may be agreed upon by the parties to such petition. Wheneverany petition is filed in the trial court of general jurisdictionof a county or judicial district under this section, such courtshall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter sopresented, and to enter such order or orders as may be requiredto carry into effect the provisions of section 407.040. Anyfinal order so entered shall be subject to appeal to the statesupreme court. Any disobedience of any final order entered underthis section by any court shall be punished as a contemptthereof.
(L. 1967 p. 607 § 9, A.L. 1985 H.B. 96, et al.)Effective 5-31-85
*No continuity with § 407.090 as repealed by L. 1963 S.B. 2 § 10-102, effective 7-1-65.