407.1095. As used in sections 407.1095 to 407.1110, the followingwords and phrases mean:
(1) "Caller identification service", a type of telephone servicewhich permits telephone subscribers to see the telephone number of incomingtelephone calls;
(2) "Residential subscriber", a person who has subscribed toresidential telephone service from a local exchange company or the otherpersons living or residing with such person;
(3) "Telephone solicitation", any voice communication over atelephone line from a live operator, through the use of ADAD equipment orby other means for the purpose of encouraging the purchase or rental of, orinvestment in, property, goods or services, but does not includecommunications:
(a) To any residential subscriber with that subscriber's priorexpress invitation or permission;
(b) By or on behalf of any person or entity with whom a residentialsubscriber has had a business contact within the past one hundred eightydays or a current business or personal relationship;
(c) By or on behalf of an entity organized pursuant to Chapter501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, while such entity isengaged in fund-raising to support the charitable purpose for which theentity was established provided that a bona fide member of such exemptorganization makes the voice communication;
(d) By or on behalf of any entity over which a federal agency hasregulatory authority to the extent that:
a. Subject to such authority, the entity is required to maintain alicense, permit or certificate to sell or provide the merchandise beingoffered through telemarketing; and
b. The entity is required by law or rule to develop and maintain ano-call list;
(e) By a natural person responding to a referral, or working from hisor her primary residence, or a person licensed by the state of Missouri tocarry out a trade, occupation or profession who is setting or attempting toset an appointment for actions relating to that licensed trade, occupationor profession within the state or counties contiguous to the state.
(L. 2000 S.B. 763)