407.307. 1. The provisions of this section shall apply to:
(1) Farm implement dealerships, as provided in sections 407.838 to407.880;
(2) Industrial maintenance and construction power equipmentdealerships, as provided in sections 407.750 to 407.756; and
(3) Outdoor power equipment dealerships, as provided in sections407.890 to 407.898.
2. A manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor shall have ninety daysin which to consider and make a determination on a request by adealer/retailer to sell or transfer any portion of his or her businessownership to another party or to enter into an agreement to operate thedealership with another party. The dealer/retailer's request shall includethe reasonable financial information, personal background, characterreferences and work histories as required by the manufacturer to rendersuch a determination. In the event the manufacturer or distributordetermines that the request is not acceptable, the manufacturer ordistributor shall provide the dealer/retailer with a written notice of itsdetermination with the stated reasons for nonacceptance.
(L. 1998 S.B. 626)