407.434. 1. A person or employee of a person who isauthorized by an acquirer to furnish money or merchandise uponpresentation of a credit card by a cardholder and furnishes moneyor merchandise to the cardholder upon presentation of a creditcard which such person knows to be a counterfeit credit card,expired credit card, revoked credit card, or a credit card usedwithout the consent of the cardholder, and has furnished suchmoney or merchandise to the cardholder with the intent to defraudthe acquirer, has engaged in an unlawful practice.
2. A person who is authorized by an acquirer to furnishmoney or merchandise upon presentation of a credit card by acardholder and, with intent to defraud the issuer, the acquirer,or the cardholder, fails to furnish money or merchandise whichthe person represents in writing to the issuer or the acquirerthat he has furnished, has engaged in an unlawful practice.
3. A person who is authorized by an acquirer to furnishmoney or merchandise upon presentation of a credit card by acardholder and, with the intent to defraud the issuer, theacquirer, or the cardholder, presents to the issuer or acquirerfor payment, a credit card transaction record of a sale ofmerchandise, which such sale of merchandise was not made by theperson or his agent or employee, has engaged in an unlawfulpractice.
4. A person who, without the acquirer's authorization,employs, solicits, or otherwise causes another person authorizedby an acquirer to furnish money or merchandise upon presentationof a credit card by a cardholder, or employs, solicits, orotherwise causes, an agent or employee of such other authorizedperson to remit to the acquirer a credit card transaction recordof a sale that was not made by such other authorized person orhis agent or employee, has engaged in an unlawful practice.
(L. 1991 S.B. 112)