407.453. As used in sections 407.450 to 407.478, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Charitable organization", any person, as defined in section407.010, who does business in this state or holds property in this state forany charitable purpose and who engages in the activity of soliciting funds ordonations for, or purported to be for, any fraternal, benevolent, social,educational, alumni, historical or other charitable purpose;
(2) "Charitable purpose", any purpose which promotes, or purports topromote, directly or indirectly, the well-being of the public at large or anynumber of persons, whether such well-being is in general or limited to certainactivities, endeavors or projects;
(3) "Educational institution", a school, college or other institutionwhich has a defined curriculum, student body and faculty, and which conductsclasses on a regular basis;
(4) "Professional fund-raiser", any person, as defined in section407.010, who is retained under contract or otherwise compensated by or onbehalf of a charitable organization primarily for the purpose of solicitingfunds. The term "professional fund-raiser" shall not include any bona fideemployee of a charitable organization who receives regular compensation and isnot primarily employed for the purpose of soliciting funds;
(5) "Religious organization", any society, sect, persuasion, mission,church, parish, congregation, temple, convention or association of any of theforegoing, diocese or presbytery, or other organization, whether or notincorporated, or any employee thereof, no part of the net earnings of whichinures to the benefit of any private party or individual associated with suchorganization, and that otherwise qualifies as an exempt organization undersection 501(c)(3) of title 26, United States Code, as amended, that either:
(a) Meets at more or less regular intervals for worship of a supremebeing or higher power, or for mutual support or edification in piety or withrespect to the idea that a minimum standard of behavior from the standpoint ofoverall morality is to be observed; or
(b) Is, including but not limited to, any nursing, boarding, retirement,children's or orphan's home, or any foundation, commission, hospital, school,college, university, seminary, or other entity, which is owned, operated,controlled, supervised or principally supported by, or associated with throughthe sharing of common religious bonds and convictions, any organization whichmeets the requirements of this subdivision;
(6) "Solicitation", any request or appeal, either oral or written, orany endeavor to obtain, seek or plead for funds, property, financialassistance or other thing of value, including the promise or grant of anymoney or property of any kind or value for a charitable purpose, butexcluding:
(a) Direct grants or allocation of funds received or solicited from anyaffiliated fund-raising organization by a member agency; and
(b) Unsolicited contributions received from any individual donor,foundation, trust, governmental agency or other source, unless suchcontributions are received in conjunction with a solicitation drive.
(L. 1986 S.B. 685)Effective 5-1-86