407.462. 1. No charitable organization shall solicit funds in thisstate, nor employ a professional fund-raiser to solicit funds in this state,for any charitable purpose, unless it has filed with the office of theattorney general an initial registration, which shall be sworn to under oathand shall be in the form and manner prescribed by the attorney general, exceptthat charitable organizations in existence and soliciting on May 1, 1986, mayfile such initial registration within one year of May 1, 1986. All initialregistrations, and amendments thereto, shall be accompanied by a filing fee offifteen dollars unless the attorney general, by rule, establishes a differentfiling fee. Amendments to initial registrations shall be filed as prescribedby the attorney general.
2. In addition to the documents required by subsection 1 of thissection, every charitable organization shall, within seventy-five days of theclose each of its fiscal years ending after the date on which the charitableorganization files its initial registration under subsection 1 of thissection, file an annual report. Each annual report shall be sworn to underoath, and shall be in the form and shall be filed in the manner prescribed bythe attorney general. Each annual report shall be accompanied by a filing feeof fifteen dollars unless the attorney general, by rule, establishes adifferent filing fee. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to:
(1) Any charitable organization which receives an allocation of moneyfrom an incorporated community chest or united fund, provided such communitychest or united fund is complying with all provisions of this section relatingto the filing of registrations, amendments to registrations and annualreports;
(2) Any charitable organization which does not actually raise or receivecontributions in cash, goods or services valued in excess of the dollar amountestablished by the attorney general by rule, which amount shall not be lessthan ten thousand dollars, during the twelve-month period immediatelypreceding the date on which its annual report would otherwise be due underthis subsection; or
(3) Any charitable organization which is a local affiliate of astatewide or national charitable organization if all local fund-raisingexpenses are paid by the statewide or national organization and the statewideor national organization files the annual report required by this subsection.
3. All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be credited to anddeposited in the merchandising practices revolving fund.
(L. 1986 S.B. 685)Effective 5-1-86