407.673. 1. A fully completed copy of every contract shallbe delivered to the member at the time the contract is signed.Every contract shall constitute the entire agreement betweenseller and member, shall be in writing, shall be signed by themember, shall designate the date on which the member signed thecontract and shall state, clearly and conspicuously, in boldfacetype of minimum size of 14-points, in immediate proximity to thespace reserved for the signature of the buyer, the following:
MEMBER'S RIGHT TO CANCELIf you wish to cancel this contract, you may cancel by deliveringor mailing a written notice to the company. Certified mail wouldprovide greater protection than first-class mail, but is notnecessary. If you deliver the notice personally, you areentitled to a receipt. Your notice must make known that you donot wish to be bound by the contract. If the notice is deliveredor mailed before midnight of the third business day after yousign this contract, you are entitled to a refund of the entireconsideration paid for the contract. The notice must bedelivered or mailed to.............................................................. .
(Insert name and mailing address of company).If you cancel, the club is required to return, within fourteendays of the date on which you give notice of cancellation, anypayments you have made.
2. Until the buying club has complied with this section, themember may cancel the contract by notifying the buying club, inany manner and by any means, of his intention to cancel and isthen entitled to a refund of the entire consideration paid forthe contract.
(L. 1988 H.B. 988)