407.730. As used in sections 407.730 to 407.748, the following termsmean:
(1) "Advertisement", oral, written, graphic or pictorial statementsmade in the course of solicitation of business including, withoutlimitation, any statement or representation made in a newspaper, magazine,the car rental company's proprietary web site, or other publication, orcontained in any notice, sign, poster, display, circular, pamphlet, orletter which may collectively be called "print advertisements", or on radioor television, which may be referred to as "broadcast commercials";
(2) "Authorized driver":
(a) The renter;
(b) The renter's spouse if the spouse is a licensed driver andsatisfies the car rental company's minimum age requirement;
(c) The renter's employee or co-worker if they are engaged inbusiness activity with the person to whom the vehicle is rented, arelicensed drivers, and satisfy the rental company's minimum agerequirements;
(d) Any person who operates the vehicle during an emergencysituation; and
(e) Any person expressly listed by the car rental company on therenter's contract as an authorized driver;
(3) "Blackout date", any date on which an advertised price is totallyunavailable to the public;
(4) "Car rental company", any person or entity in the business ofrenting private passenger vehicles to the public;
(5) "Car rental insurance", products and services that are offered inconnection with and incidental to the rental of a motor vehicle undersubdivision (10) of subsection 1 of section 375.786, RSMo. This definitionof optional car rental insurance or any other definition of insurance shallnot include collision damage waiver;
(6) "Clear and conspicuous", that the statement, representation orterm being disclosed is of such size, color contrast, and audibility and isso presented as to be readily noticed and understood by the person to whomit is being disclosed. All language and terms should be used in accordancewith their common or ordinary usage and meaning;
(7) "Collision damage waiver", any product a consumer purchases froma car rental company in order to waive all or part of his responsibilityfor damages, or loss of, a rental vehicle;
(8) "Limited time availability", that the advertised rental price isonly available for a specific period of time or that the price is notavailable during certain blackout periods;
(9) "Mandatory charge", any charge, fee, or surcharge consumers mustgenerally pay in order to obtain or operate a rental vehicle;
(10) "Master rental agreement", those documents used by a car rentalcompany for expedited service to members in a program sponsored by the carrental company in which renters establish a profile and select preferencesfor rental needs which establish the terms and conditions governing the useof a rental car rented by a car rental company by a participant in a masterrental agreement;
(11) "Material restriction", a restriction, limitation or otherrequirement which significantly affects the price of, use of, or aconsumer's financial responsibility for a rental car;
(12) "Rental agreement", any document or combination of documents,which, when read together and incorporated by reference to each other,relate to and establish the terms and conditions of the rental of a motorvehicle by an individual; or when such a combination of documents isentered into as part of any written master, corporate, group or individualagreement setting forth the terms and conditions governing the use of arental car rented by a car rental company;
(13) "Vehicle license fees", charges that may be imposed upon anytransaction originating in the state of Missouri to recoup costs incurredby a car rental company to license, title, inspect, register, plate, andpay personal property taxes on rental vehicles.
(L. 1989 H.B. 893 ยง 1, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1285 merged with S.B. 1233, et al., A.L. 2007 S.B. 82)