407.838. As used in sections 407.838 to 407.848, thefollowing terms shall mean:
(1) "Farm equipment", equipment including, but not limitedto, tractors, trailers, combines, tillage implements, bailers andother equipment including attachments and repair parts thereofused in the planting, cultivating, irrigation, harvesting andmarketing of agricultural products, excluding self-propelledmachines designed primarily for the transportation of persons orproperty on a street or highway;
(2) "Farm equipment manufacturer" or "manufacturer", anyperson, partnership, corporation, association or other form ofbusiness enterprise engaged in the manufacturing, assembly orwholesale distribution of farm equipment;
(3) "Farm equipment dealer", "farm equipment dealership" or"dealer", any person, partnership, corporation, association orother form of business enterprise engaged in the retail sale offarm equipment;
(4) "Dealership agreement", a written or oral agreement ofdefinite or indefinite duration between a farm equipmentmanufacturer and a farm equipment dealer which provides for therights and obligations of the parties with respect to thepurchase or sale of farm equipment.
(L. 1987 S.B. 35)