407.933. 1. No person less than eighteen years of age shallpurchase, attempt to purchase or possess cigarettes or other tobaccoproducts unless such person is an employee of a seller of cigarettes ortobacco products and is in such possession to effect a sale in the courseof employment, or an employee of the division of liquor control forenforcement purposes pursuant to subsection 5 of section 407.934.
2. Any person less than eighteen years of age shall not misrepresenthis or her age to purchase cigarettes or tobacco products.
3. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall bepenalized as follows:
(1) For the first violation, the person is guilty of an infractionand shall have any cigarettes or tobacco products confiscated;
(2) For a second violation and any subsequent violations, the personis guilty of an infraction, shall have any cigarettes or tobacco productsconfiscated and shall complete a tobacco education or smoking cessationprogram, if available.
(L. 2001 H.B. 381)