408.592. 1. Each state financial institution which is notsupervised, licensed or chartered by a division director, whichoperates or has a place of business within a county having apopulation in excess of two hundred fifty thousand or a city notwithin a county and which originated an aggregate of five hundredthousand dollars or more in residential real estate loans inMissouri during the last calendar year shall, on or before a dateof ninety days after the end of the fiscal year of theinstitution, file with the director of the division of finance anannual statement for each such county or city showing separatelythe number and total dollar amount of residential real estateloans both within and outside of that county or city which were:
(1) Originated by that institution during the precedingfiscal year;
(2) Purchased by that institution during the precedingfiscal year; and
(3) Foreclosed by that institution during the precedingfiscal year.
2. The information required to be filed under subsection 1of this section shall be further itemized in order to clearly andconspicuously disclose the following:
(1) The number and dollar amount of each item by censustracts for residential real estate loans on property locatedwithin that county or city;
(2) The number and dollar amount of each item for allresidential real estate loans on property located outside thatcounty or city.
3. The information required to be filed under subdivisions(1) and (2) of subsection 1 shall also be itemized in order toclearly and conspicuously disclose the following:
(1) The number and dollar amount of loans made for thepurchase of residential real estate which are insured under TitleII of the National Housing Act or under Title V of the HousingAct of 1949 or which are guaranteed under Chapter 37 of Title 38,United States Code;
(2) The number and dollar amount of loans made for thepurchase of residential real estate, including loans insuredunder federal housing insurance programs;
(3) The number and dollar amount of loans made for therepair, rehabilitation or remodeling of residential real estate.
4. Each statement filed under the provisions of this sectionshall be filed on forms approved or furnished by the director ofthe division of finance and shall be verified by two officers ofthe institution. Wherever possible, the director of the divisionof finance shall make the forms consistent with the disclosureforms required under the Federal Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of1975 (12 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.).
5. The director of the division of finance shall maintainthe statements filed under the provisions of this section for aperiod of not less than five years and shall make the statementsavailable to the public for inspection during regular businesshours and for copying at a cost not to exceed the actual cost tothe division.
(L. 1979 S.B. 305)Effective 1-1-80