409.521. 1. The commissioner of securities may conduct suchinvestigation as he deems necessary concerning any takeover bidfor the purpose of determining compliance with the requirementsof sections 409.500 to 409.566. As part of such investigationthe commissioner of securities may require persons to filestatements in writing and under oath with his office, subpoenawitnesses, compel their attendance, examine them under oath andrequire the production of books, records, documents and papers.
2. In the event the commissioner of securities determinesthat any person is violating or about to violate any provision ofsections 409.500 to 409.566, or any order, rule or regulationissued pursuant thereto, he may seek, in court, an injunctiontemporarily or permanently barring that person from making ortaking part in or continuing a takeover bid or from taking up orpaying for shares tendered by offerees pursuant to a takeoverbid, and the court may grant the relief applied for or so muchthereof as it may deem proper.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1667)