409.820. 1. The commissioner may make investigations,within or without this state, as he finds necessary orappropriate to:
(1) Determine whether any person has violated, or is aboutto violate, any provision of sections 409.800 to 409.863 or anyrule or order of the commissioner; or
(2) Aid in enforcement of sections 409.800 to 409.863.
2. The commissioner may publish information concerning anyviolations of sections 409.800 to 409.863 or any rule or orderissued or promulgated under sections 409.800 to 409.863.
3. For purposes of any investigation or proceeding undersections 409.800 to 409.863, the commissioner, or any officer oremployee designated by rule or order of the commissioner, mayadminister oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compeltheir attendance, take evidence, and require the production ofany books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, agreements, orother documents or records which the commissioner finds to berelevant or material to the inquiry. If a person does not givetestimony or produce the documents required by the commissioner,or a designated employee, pursuant to an administrative subpoena,the commissioner, or his designated employee, may apply for acourt order compelling compliance with the subpoena or the givingof the required testimony. The request for order of compliancemay be addressed to either:
(1) The circuit court of Cole County or the circuit courtwhere service may be obtained on the person refusing to testifyor produce, if the person is within this state; or
(2) The appropriate court of the state having jurisdictionover the person refusing to testify or produce, if the person isoutside this state.
(L. 1985 H.B. 409 & 532 ยง 9)