411.030. 1. The department shall have the exclusive rightto officially inspect and grade all grains for which standardshave been established under the United States Grain Standards Actand certify the grades thereof at all places where inspectionpoints of the department are established, except that the ownermay direct that his grain may not be inspected by writing orstamping upon the bill of lading therefor the words "noinspection desired" or other words of similar meaning or by othertimely notice given the department in writing that no inspectionis desired and may officially inspect grain in public or privatewarehouses or industries upon application of the owner oroperator thereof and their agreement to guarantee operatingcosts.
2. The department shall have the exclusive right toofficially weigh or supervise the actual weighing of grain inlicensed terminal warehouses subject to the provisions of thischapter, unless the owner or his agent indicates that no officialweights are desired and may officially weigh or supervise theactual weighing of grain in public or private warehouses orindustries upon application of the owners or operators thereofand their agreement to guarantee the operating costs.
3. Nothing in this chapter shall limit or abrogate the rightof grain exchanges or boards of trade to weigh or supervise theweighing of grain in private warehouses and public warehouses.
4. The department is authorized in the discretion of thedirector to establish, maintain and operate chemical laboratoriesand inspection and weighing stations covering all or any part ofits services at important railway terminals and points whereorganized grain markets are regularly maintained, and at otherpoints where operating costs are guaranteed by specialarrangements with the industries served or the managing officersin charge thereof.
5. The department shall also inspect and weigh and otherwiseservice grain stored, owned or controlled by the United States ofAmerica or any of its agencies, upon request therefor by theUnited States of America or its agencies, located in temporarywarehouses within this state, upon request and approval of theowners or operators of such unlicensed warehouses, and furtherupon receiving agreement to guarantee to the department theoperating costs of such additional services. The departmentshall not infringe where services are performed by grainexchanges or boards of trade.
(L. 1941 p. 373 § 2, A.L. 1955 p. 853 § 411.050, A.L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1980 S.B. 601)