411.151. 1. There is hereby created in the state treasurythe "Grain Inspection Fee Fund". All fees charged and collectedfor sampling, inspection, weighing, protein or other chemicalanalysis, and moisture testing or for additional services ofwhatever nature consistent with the grain inspection and weighingservices of the grain inspection, weighing, and warehousingdivision provided for in this chapter, shall be paid to thedirector of revenue and deposited in the state treasury to thecredit of the grain inspection fee fund. The money in the graininspection fee fund, after appropriation, shall be expended uponproper warrants issued by the commissioner of administration forthe payment of salaries and expenses, including any fee orpayment required for compliance with federal law or regulation,necessary for carrying out the provisions consistent with thegrain inspection and weighing services of this chapter. Theunexpended balance in the grain inspection fee fund at the end ofeach fiscal year shall not be transferred to the general revenuefund of the state, and the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo,relating to the transfer of funds to the general revenue fund ofthe state by the state treasurer shall not apply to the graininspection fee fund.
2. The general assembly may, from time to time and asneeded, transfer from general revenue to the grain inspection feefund a sum not to exceed five hundred thousand dollars, eachfiscal year, to enable the director to continue operations;provided that, approval for such a transfer is given by theFederal Grain Inspection Service of the United States Departmentof Agriculture. Nothing contained herein shall be construed asto limit the number of times the general assembly may make suchtransfers.
3. The state treasurer shall invest all sums in the graininspection fee fund not needed for current operating expenses ininterest-bearing banking accounts or United States governmentobligations in the manner provided by law. All yield, increment,gain, interest or income derived from the investment of thesesums shall accrue to the benefit of, and be deposited within, thestate treasury to the credit of the grain inspection fee fund.
(L. 1978 S.B. 503, A.L. 1980 S.B. 601, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1578)Effective 4-22-86