411.160. 1. When official inspection, weighing, orsupervising of actual weighing of grain is requested in thisstate whether into or out of state licensed warehouses orportions of warehouses so licensed for public storage operations,subject to the provisions of this chapter, or in cars, barges,wagons, trucks, or sacks at warehouses where official state graininspection or weighing is maintained shall be performed by suchpersons as have been duly appointed by the director and qualifiedaccording to law.
2. Any person who shall inspect grain where state graininspection is established, or any person who shall officiallyweigh or supervise the weighing of grain in public warehouseswhere official state grain weighing is established and who hasnot been duly appointed by the director or directed by a stateweighmaster so to do, is guilty of a misdemeanor and uponconviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than onehundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or byconfinement in the county jail, or if in the city of St. Louis inthe city jail of the city, for not less than three months normore than six months, or both such fine and confinement, at thediscretion of the court, for every such offense so committed.
(RSMo 1939 § 14662, A.L. 1941 p. 373 § 14, A.L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1980 S.B. 601)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13362; 1919 § 6034; 1909 § 6811