411.266. If a public warehouseman licensed under thischapter desires to renew the license for an additional year,application for the renewal shall be made on a form prescribed bythe director and shall be accompanied by a financial statement,as required by section 411.260, with such additional informationor verification with respect to the financial resources of theapplicant as the director may require. The application fee offifty dollars shall not be required. At least sixty days priorto the expiration of each license issued by the director underthis chapter, the director shall notify the warehouseman of thedate of expiration and furnish the warehouseman with the renewalform. The warehouseman shall submit the application at leastthirty days prior to the date of expiration of the license andfor each day less than thirty days, the warehouseman shall bepenalized an additional fee of ten dollars per day for every daybeyond the due date for the application. The date of submissionof the application shall be determined as the date postmarked.
(L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1977 S.B. 75, A.L. 1980 S.B. 601, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1578)Effective 4-22-86