411.287. 1. If a license is suspended, revoked or a shortage isknown to exist and the director determines that there is danger of loss todepositors, the director or his authorized agents may enter the premises ofthe warehouseman, monitor the activities of the warehouseman and take anyactions authorized by this chapter which are necessary to protect theinterests of depositors of grain. Additionally, when a shortage exists,the director or his designated representative may order, verbally or inwriting, the warehouseman to cease shipping any grain until such shortageis corrected. Should the warehouseman continue to ship grain after beingadvised of such order to cease shipping, such action of the warehousemanshall constitute a class C felony. The director and his designatedrepresentative shall notify local law enforcement officials and request theimmediate arrest of the warehouseman.
2. Whenever the director or his authorized agents monitor theoperation of any warehouse, the warehouseman, upon a finding by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction that the director had reasonable grounds to believethat this action was necessary to protect the depositors, may be assessedand shall pay a fee of one hundred dollars per person for each day or partthereof that the director or his authorized agents monitored theoperations.
(L. 1977 S.B. 75 ยง 10, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1578, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)Effective 4-2-97