411.311. 1. Any person who:
(1) Operates a warehouse for storage of grain;
(2) Holds himself out as being in the grain storage business, or asoffering storage facilities for grain;
(3) Advertises for, solicits or accepts grain for storage;
(4) Carries on a grain bank operation, or receives and stores grain forwhich a like quantity of grain is to be returned or delivered in any form tothe depositor thereof without first obtaining and keeping in force an annuallicense issued by the department authorizing the operation of a public grainwarehouse, or without having the license displayed in a conspicuous place, orwho shall continue to transact any such business as a public warehouse afterthe license has been revoked or suspended, except that he may purchase from ordeliver to depositors property previously stored in the warehouse; is guiltyof a misdemeanor.
2. The director may refuse to renew any license or grant a new one toany person whose license has been revoked for a period of one year from thedate of the revocation.
(L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1977 S.B. 75, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1578)Effective 4-22-86