411.321. 1. It shall be the duty of every terminal warehouseman toreceive for storage any grain, dry and suitable for warehousing, that maybe tendered to him in the usual manner in which terminal warehouses areaccustomed to receive the same, in the ordinary and usual course ofbusiness, to the capacity of his warehouse available for public storage.The grain shall be officially inspected, officially weighed, and officiallygraded, upon receiving grain into the warehouse, except that the owner orwarehouseman may direct that the grain not be officially inspected,officially weighed, or officially graded as provided in section 411.030,but shall be inspected, weighed, and graded by an individual, designated bythe warehouseman, competent and qualified in performing these services.
2. All grain delivered from the warehouse shall be officiallyinspected, officially weighed, and officially graded on its delivery by aduly authorized inspector and weighmaster of the department, except thatthe owner or warehouseman may direct that the grain not be officiallyinspected, officially weighed, or officially graded as provided in section411.030, but shall be inspected and weighed by an individual, designated bythe warehouseman, competent and qualified in performing these services.
(L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)Effective 4-2-97