411.371. 1. Warehouse receipts shall be issued by anylicensed public warehouseman as herein defined upon the requestof any depositor, and must be issued in manner and form asprovided by this chapter or prescribed by rule, and the form ofall receipts shall be approved by the director. The directorshall be authorized to have printed all warehouse receipts, gradecertificates, and weight certificates issued by publicwarehousemen licensed under this chapter.
2. It shall be unlawful for any public warehouseman to issueany warehouse receipts for any grain received except uponwarehouse receipts approved by the director. Any person whoshall issue or cause to be issued any counterfeit warehousereceipt, or any warehouse receipt for grain, other than asauthorized and prescribed by the director, shall be guilty of aclass C felony.
3. Whenever the license of a public warehouseman expires oris revoked or suspended, he shall return all unused warehousereceipts to the director; the director shall immediately notifythe holders of all outstanding receipts of the expiration orrevocation of the license.
4. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than alicensed public grain warehouseman, to issue any negotiablewarehouse receipt for grain, or any warehouse receipt for grainfor collateral purposes. Any person who violates this subsectionis, upon conviction, guilty of a class C felony.
(L. 1965 p. 606, A.L. 1977 S.B. 75, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1578)Effective 4-22-86