411.405. 1. At his option a public warehouseman may ship carlots ofgrain, when requested by the owner to do so, to a specified terminalwarehouse within the state without official inspection or the issuing oftrust receipts, providing that the identical lot of grain is tendered forshipment. The transportation of the grain shall be at the owner's risk.When a warehouse receipt has been issued by the terminal warehousemanreceiving the grain, and returned to the public warehouseman, he shalldeliver the warehouse receipt to the owner upon payment of freight and alllegal charges and upon surrender by the owner of the trust receipt orreceipts, if any, issued by the public warehouseman for the grain.
2. A licensed warehouseman may ship grain to another state orfederally licensed warehouse for storage to cover nonreceipted storageobligations at his licensed facility. The original warehouseman must havethe written approval of the owner of the grain or notify the owner inwriting prior to transferring the commodity or the obligation. Priorwritten notification may include printed statements on scale tickets orstatements made on the schedule of charges required under section 411.268.The receiving warehouse must be a state licensed facility within the stateof Missouri, a warehouse licensed under the United States Warehouse Act, ora facility located outside the state of Missouri licensed by the statewhere the facility is located if, based upon a determination by thedirector, that state's requirements are sufficient to protect the integrityof the stored grain. The transportation of the grain shall be at theoriginal warehouseman's risk.
(L. 1965 p. 606 ยง 411.402, A.L. 1997 H.B. 211)Effective 4-2-97