411.410. All warehouse receipts issued by terminal publicwarehouses or public warehouses shall be numbered consecutively,and no two receipts bearing the same number shall be issued fromthe same warehouse during any one year, except in the case of alost or destroyed receipt, in which case any duplicate receiptshall bear the same date and number as the original and shall beplainly marked on its face "duplicate". If the grain wasreceived from railroad cars, the initials and number of each carshall be stated on the receipt with the amount it contained; iffrom wagon, truck or other means, the manner of its receipt shallbe stated on its face.
(RSMo 1939 § 14639, A.L. 1941 p. 373 § 29, A.L. 1965 p. 606 § 411.411)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13339; 1919 § 6011; 1909 § 6787