411.775. It shall be the duty of the attorney general oreach prosecuting attorney to whom any violation of chapter 411 isreported to cause appropriate proceedings to be instituted andprosecuted in a court of competent jurisdiction without delay.Before a violation is reported for prosecution, the director maygive the warehouseman an opportunity to present his views at aninformal hearing. In the event the director determines that aprosecutor to whom a violation has been reported has failed toinstitute appropriate proceedings, he may make a written reportof the failure to institute proceedings to the attorney general.The attorney general shall investigate the circumstances whichresulted in the report. If the attorney general determines thatadditional proceedings are appropriate, he may cause suchproceedings to be instituted. When the attorney general causessuch a proceeding to be instituted, he shall have all the powersand rights of the office of the prosecuting attorney to whom theviolation was originally reported. Such powers and rights arerestricted to the prosecution of the specific case reported.
(L. 1986 H.B. 1578)Effective 4-22-86