416.041. 1. Nothing contained in the Missouri antitrustlaw shall be construed to forbid the existence or operation of:
(1) Any labor organization instituted for the purpose ofmutual help and not conducted for profit, or of individualmembers thereof as to any activities which are directed solely tolabor objectives which activities are lawful under the laws ofeither this state or the United States;
(2) Any agricultural or horticultural organizationinstituted for the purpose of mutual help and not conducted forprofit, or of individual members thereof as to any activitieswhich are directed solely to activities of such organizationswhich activities are lawful under the laws of either this stateor the United States.
2. Nothing contained in the Missouri antitrust law shall beconstrued to apply to activities or arrangements expresslyapproved or regulated by any regulatory body or officer actingunder statutory authority of this state or of the United States.
3. Nothing contained in the Missouri antitrust laws shallbe construed to apply to or prohibit written territorialagreements dealing with the distribution or sale of electricalenergy entered into between rural electrical cooperatives,electrical corporations and municipally owned utilities, if suchterritorial agreements have been approved by the public servicecommission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 394, RSMo, or toapply to or prohibit written territorial agreements dealing withthe sale or distribution of water entered into between publicwater supply districts, water corporations subject to publicservice commission jurisdiction, and municipally owned utilities,if such territorial agreements have been approved by the publicservice commission pursuant to the provisions of section 247.172,RSMo.
(L. 1974 S.B. 424, A.L. 1988 S.B. 689, A.L. 1989 H.B. 813, A.L. 1991 H.B. 299)Effective 5-29-91