430.030. 1. Every person who furnishes labor or material onany horse, mule or other animal, who shall obtain a writtenmemorandum of the work or material furnished, or to be furnished,signed by the owner of such horse, mule or other animal, shallhave a lien for the amount of such work or material as is orderedor stated in such written memorandum.
2. Such lien shall be on such horse, mule or other animal asshall be placed in the possession of the person furnishing thelabor or material; provided, however, that for labor and materialfurnished on more than one horse, mule or other animal belongingto the same owner, the person furnishing such labor and materialmay, at his option, have a lien on any one or more of suchhorses, mules or other animals for the amount of labor andmaterial furnished on all of such horses, mules and other animalsbelonging to such owner.
(RSMo 1939 § 3609)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3219; 1919 § 7279