430.150. Every person who shall keep, board or train anyhorse, mule or other animal, shall, for the amount due therefor,have a lien on such animal, and on any vehicle, harness orequipment coming into his possession therewith, and no owner orclaimant shall have the right to take any such property out ofthe custody of the person having such lien, except with hisconsent or on the payment of such debt; and such lien shall bevalid against said property in the possession of any personreceiving or purchasing it with notice of such claim.
(RSMo 1939 § 3580)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3190; 1919 § 7250; 1909 § 8238
(1959) Owner held liable for the reasonable value of feed and care, such as veterinary costs, hay and additional cost of pasturage furnished cattle by landowner under oral agreement for pasturage. Crouch v. Brookshire (A.), 330 S.W.2d 592.