430.235. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 430.230,every public hospital or clinic, and every privately maintainedhospital, clinic or other institution for the care of the sick,which is supported in whole or in part by charity, located withinthe state of Missouri, or any such hospital duly incorporatedunder the laws of Missouri providing for the incorporation ofeleemosynary institutions, shall have a lien upon any and allclaims, counterclaims, demands, suits, or rights of action of anyperson admitted to any hospital, clinic or other institution andreceiving treatment, care or maintenance therein for any causeincluding any personal injury sustained by such person as theresult of the negligence or wrongful act of another, which suchinjured person may have, assert or maintain against the person orpersons causing such injury for damages on account of suchinjury, for the cost of such services, computed at reasonablerates not to exceed the customary charges for the services andthe customary charges for necessary X-ray, laboratory, operatingroom and medication services as such hospital, clinic or otherinstitution shall render such injured person on account of hisconditions. The lien set forth in this section shall not beapplied or considered valid against anyone coming under theworkers' compensation law in this state. The lien set forth inthis section shall be considered valid and may be applied againstmedical benefits paid anyone under the provisions of chapter 208,RSMo, whether such benefits are paid from state or federal funds,or a combination thereof.
(L. 1981 H.B. 901 ยง 2)Effective 6-16-81