430.240. No such lien shall be effective, however, unless awritten notice containing the name and address of the injuredperson, the date of the accident, the name and location of thehospital and the name of the person or persons, firm or firms,corporation or corporations alleged to be liable to the injuredparty for the injuries received, shall be sent by registered mailwith return receipt requested, to the person or persons, firm orfirms, corporation or corporations, if known, alleged to beliable to the injured party, if known, for the injuries sustainedprior to the payment of any moneys to such injured person, hisattorneys or legal representative, as compensation for suchinjuries. Such hospital shall send by registered mail withreturn receipt requested a copy of such notice to any insurancecarrier, if known, which has insured such person, firm orcorporation against such liability.
(L. 1941 p. 371 ยง 11)