430.360. 1. All corporations shall make payment to theiremployees and other operatives, of wages due for all labor andservices performed by them, within three months next preceding ademand made therefor, not exceeding one hundred dollars, inpreference to any other claim, debts or demands whatsoever, notsecured by specific liens on property; and such priority ofpayment may be enforced by civil action.
2. Payment of wages shall be made on or before the fifteenthday of each month for the full amount of all wages earnedprevious to the first day of that month, with interest at sixpercent, if not paid, to be added to the amount of said wageswhen paid or recovered by suit.
3. All debts due employees or operatives for wages of theirlabor shall have priority of payment from the money and assets ofthe corporations in the hands of officers or agents or anyreceiver or assignee, over every other claim not specificallysecured.
4. Every corporation, officer, agent, receiver, assignee, orperson holding money or assets, refusing to recognize thepriority of employees' claims, shall be liable to such employeesfor the amount of all loss and damages occasioned by hisunlawfully withholding the money.
(RSMo 1939 § 5063)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4587; 1919 § 9779; 1909 § 3019
Laborers and servants preferred creditors, when, RSMo 513.055 to 513.065