431.050. Any nurserymen or tree dealers who shall sell andcontract to deliver any fruit trees, vines, shrubs, plants orbulbs for planting, and shall fail to deliver said fruit trees,vines, shrubs, plants or bulbs at a time and season proper forthe planting and growth of such fruit trees, vines, shrubs,plants or bulbs, said contract shall be voidable at the option ofthe purchaser, who shall have the further right of recovery forany damage they may incur by the failure to receive said fruittrees, vines, shrubs, plants or bulbs at a proper season for theplanting and growth of said fruit trees, vines, shrubs, plants orbulbs.
(RSMo 1939 § 14060)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12393; 1919 § 11963; 1909 § 629