436.221. 1. The director shall administer the provisions of sections436.215 to 436.272.
2. By engaging in the business of an athlete agent in this state, anonresident individual appoints the director as the individual's agent toaccept service of process in any civil action related to the individual'sbusiness as an athlete agent in this state.
3. The director may subpoena witnesses, issue subpoenas duces tecumand require production of documents and records. Subpoenas includingsubpoenas duces tecum shall be served by a person authorized to servesubpoenas of courts of record. In lieu of requiring attendance of a personto produce original documents in response to a subpoena duces tecum, theboard may require sworn copies of such documents to be filed with it ordelivered to its designated representative.
4. The director may enforce its subpoenas including subpoenas ducestecum by applying to a circuit court of Cole County, the county of theinvestigation, hearing or proceeding, or any county where the personresides or may be found for an order upon any person who shall fail to obeya subpoena to show cause why such subpoena should not be enforced, whichsuch order and a copy of the application therefor shall be served upon theperson in the same manner as a summons in a civil action and if the circuitcourt shall after a hearing determine that the subpoena should be sustainedand enforced such court shall proceed to enforce the subpoena in the samemanner as though the subpoena had been issued in a civil case in thecircuit court.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1122)