443.185. Any and all releases of mortgages and deeds oftrust on lands in this state, securing the payment of any debt orobligation, which have been recorded in the office of therecorder of deeds in the county in which such land is located forten years or more, and which purport to release any such mortgageor deed of trust and the debt or obligation secured thereby, andwhich purport to have been executed by the mortgagee or cestuique trust of such mortgage or deed of trust, or by his agent orattorney, or by any assignee, or his agent or attorney, or by theexecutor or administrator of any deceased mortgagee or cestui quetrust, or of any deceased assignee, or by any person acting for acorporation which is either the mortgagee or the cestui quetrust, or the assignee, of said mortgage or deed of trust, shallbe deemed to be valid, and the lien of such mortgage or deed oftrust shall be deemed to be canceled and discharged,notwithstanding any defect in the execution, acknowledgment,certificate of acknowledgment, recording or certificate ofrecording of the same; except that this section shall not applyto any mortgage or deed of trust unless the debt or obligationsecured thereby has been due and payable for at least ten years.Any person desiring to assert any right or claim which would bebarred by this section may do so by bringing an appropriateaction to establish such right or claim, at any time within twoyears after the passage of this section, but not thereafter.
(L. 1951 p. 746)