443.190. All mortgagees of real estate or persons holdingsecurity interests in personal estate, including leaseholdinterests, when the debt or damages secured amount to fiftydollars or more, may file a petition in the office of the circuitcourt against the mortgagor or the debtor and the actual tenantsor occupiers of the real estate, or persons in possession ofpersonal property, setting forth the substance of the mortgagedeed or security agreement, and praying that judgment may berendered for the debt or damages, and that the equity ofredemption may be foreclosed, and the mortgaged property orcollateral sold to satisfy the amount due.
(RSMo 1939 § 3447, A.L. 1965 p. 114)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3060; 1919 § 2219; 1909 § 2828
Right to foreclose barred when note barred, RSMo 516.150