443.725. In addition to any other duties imposed upon the director bylaw, the director shall require mortgage loan originators to be licensedand registered through the NMLSR. In order to carry out such requirement,the director is authorized to participate in the NMLSR. For this purpose,the director may establish by rule requirements as necessary, including butnot limited to:
(1) Background checks for:
(a) Criminal history through fingerprint or other databases;
(b) Civil or administrative records;
(c) Credit history; or
(d) Any other information as deemed necessary by the NMLSR;
(2) The payment of fees to apply for or renew licenses through theNMLSR;
(3) The setting or resetting as necessary of renewal or reportingdates; and
(4) Requirements for amending or surrendering a license or any othersuch activities as the director deems necessary for participation in theNMLSR.
(L. 2009 H.B. 382)Effective 7-08-09