443.875. When it appears to the director that the compliance with asubpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued or caused to be issued by thedirector pursuant to sections 443.871 to 443.877 is essential to aninvestigation or examination, the director, in addition to the otherremedies provided for in sections 443.871 to 443.877, may apply for reliefto the circuit court of the county in which the subpoenaed person residesor has the person's principal place of business. The court shall thereupondirect the issuance of an order against the subpoenaed person requiringsufficient bond conditioned on compliance with the subpoena or subpoenaduces tecum. The court shall cause to be endorsed on the order a suitableamount of bond or payment pursuant to which the person named in the ordershall be freed, having a due regard to the nature of the case.
(L. 1994 S.B. 718 ยง 26 subsec. 3, A.L. 1995 H.B. 63, et al.)Effective 6-13-95