444.010. 1. When any person owning real estate in thisstate, or any person having a leasehold interest in such realestate for mining purposes by lease from the owner thereof, dulyacknowledged and recorded in the county wherein the land lies,shall permit any person or persons, other than their servants,agents or employees, to enter and dig or mine thereon for lead,ore or other minerals, with the consent of such owner or ownersor lessee, he or they shall keep a printed statement of theterms, conditions and requirements upon which such lands may bemined or prospected, and the time during which the right to mineor prospect thereunder shall continue, posted or hung up in aconspicuous place, in plain, legible characters, in the principaloffice or place of business of such person or company in thecounty in which said lands are situated, or in a countycontiguous thereto, and shall deliver to any person mining orprospecting, or about to mine or prospect on said lands, andrequesting it, a printed copy of such statement.
2. All persons digging or mining on said lands, after theposting up of such statement, shall be deemed to have agreed toand accepted the terms thereof, and shall, together with suchowner or lessee, be bound thereby, and upon failure or refusal tocomply with the terms, conditions and requirements of suchstatement, he or they shall forfeit all right thereunder, and theowner or lessee, as aforesaid, of such lands, may reenter thereonand take possession of the same, nor shall the receipt of any oreor mineral by any such owner or lessee, after any such forfeiturehas been incurred, be deemed or taken as a waiver of suchforfeiture.
(RSMo 1939 § 14783)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13593; 1919 § 7436; 1909 § 8408