444.060. No injunction or restraining order shall be grantedby any court or by any judge thereof to enjoin or restrain theworking of any mine or mines, or in any manner to interfere withthe same, except upon notice first being given to the personworking or operating said mine or mines, and sought to beenjoined or restrained, which notice shall be served bydelivering to such person a copy thereof, or by leaving a copythereof at his usual place of abode with a member of the familyover the age of fifteen years, at least five days before the dayset for the hearing of the application for the injunction; andthe court or judge granting such injunction or restraining ordershall have the power, upon good cause being shown, to dissolve,vacate or modify any such injunction or restraining order at anytime after the same shall have been granted, whether in term timeor vacation; provided, that the party applying to such court orjudge to dissolve, vacate or modify any such injunction orrestraining order shall give due notice to the opposite party ofsuch intended application.
(RSMo 1939 § 14788)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13598; 1919 § 7441; 1909 § 8413