444.110. 1. Every person, company or corporation desiringto carry on any of the mining operations provided for in section444.100 shall give at least thirty days' notice of such intentionby notice printed and published in some newspaper printed in suchtown, city or village wherein such mining operations are proposedto be carried on, or if no newspaper be printed in such city,town or village, then in some newspaper printed in said county,or if no newspaper be printed in such county, then by written orprinted handbills posted up in six public places in the city,town or village wherein such mining operations are proposed to becarried on.
2. Such notice shall contain an accurate description of thelocality where such mining operations are to be carried on,giving the number of lot and block, and shall also state thenature of such mining operations, and name some day the circuitcourt in said county is in session when such person, company orcorporation will offer for filing and approval the indemnity bondprovided for in this chapter.
(RSMo 1939 § 14795, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13605; 1919 § 7448; 1909 § 8420
Effective 1-2-79